Fad diets do work, at first. And then the results slowly taper off until they rebound and you gain the weight back.


Does this sound all too familiar?

So what really is the deal with this crap??

Simple. Fad diets do the same thing, in many different ways.

This thing is tricking you into eating less and usually, not enough to sustain results.

People generally cut carbs, but what really happens is they cut overall calories. Because they are cutting carbs they end up eating less, plain and simple. More of a deficit in calories equals more weight loss.

This is all well and good for the short term.....That is until your metabolism adapts to the decrease in food..

This is when it becomes harder and harder to sustain the results....Congrats......You have hit a plateau.

So what is the general response??

I am going to eat less (because clearly I am eating more than I was when I started to lose weight)....And I am going to increase my cardio...


Repeat after me....This is a mistake....


So what is the answer?


You shouldn’t have a diet dominant in any specific nutrient and by that I do not mean that something shouldn’t have a larger percentage of your calories, because I do believe protein should have the biggest percentage.

My usually recommendation for starting is a 40/30/30 or 40/25/35 split (protein/carbs/fat). This gives you a good balance.

But back to the fad diet subject…

These low-calorie diets aren’t healthy for many reasons. But the main ones are that our body needs calories to function. Calories are the human body’s fuel source, for every single activity and function we make.

So yeah, these fad diets do work… at first. They give you a caloric deficit which allows you to lose weight, but this usually only lasts 4-6 weeks.....Insert a typical lose 20 lbs in 6 weeks challenge

Look at the diet titles that have timelines… Its usually a 30 day slim down, 28 day rapid fat loss, 2 months to shredded, and so on. They all stop, at most, by the 6 week marker.

Don't get me wrong, here at STRIVE FITNESS AND PERFORMANCE, we have our fair share of  6 week, 8 week and 30 day challenges....but we tell you right from the start, this is the beginning.

Will you make a HUGE change?! Absolutely! But it only carries you into the lifestyle habits and changes you must keep making to incorporate a fit lifestyle.

You see, fad diets have one main goal… MONEY. They know they can sell a one time package of their diet plan and you’ll probably BUY IT AGAIN a couple of months later when you gain some weight back because… well… it worked, didn’t it??!

So my point in this article, more like this rant, is to show you that the fads are a waste of time, money, energy and your emotions.

Don’t fall into the trap,


EMBRACE the healthy lifestyle you actually want to achieve.

The goal of a diet, a healthy one, is to lose body fat or weight while maintaining as many calories as possible. So yeah, it’s not going to happen quick and you may not get absolutely rapid fat loss in less than a month.

But what’s more important to you?

Lose 25lbs in a month and then gain half or more back in the next month?

Lose 25lbs in 4 months and never, ever, see those 25lbs of fat again?

We all know it is the second answer, as it should be.

So here’s my advice before closing off…

Eat enough calories to FUEL your body, this means enough food to truly CRUSH workouts.  This is a perfect indicator we tell our clients here at Strive.  If you are dying during your workouts....You probably need to eat a little bit more.

Eat ALL types of nutrients. Proteins, carbs, and fats that are coming from natural whole sources like animal products and fresh produce.

Don’t rely on supplements, cleanses, TV ads, or any “Get Fit Quick” schemes you find for a bargain. Instead, invest some actual money in yourself and in your health, find a trustworthy gym and coach, and create excellent habits that lead to a “Lifestyle” rather than a “Result”.

Find your LIFESTYLE by thinking long term investment.


Committed to your success,



Strive Fitness is a Customized Training Program designed specifically for people over 30 years of age. A Personal Training Gym in Clinton Township, Michigan
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