Jenn Weight Loss
Jenn's 65 lbs weight loss journey

The client of the month for April is one of the OG clients of Strive Fitness and Performance....Jenn Puggini. She has rocked her nutrition over the last 6 weeks and has lost an astounding 65 lbs within that time.....Before everyone asks; "What did she do", lets talk about Jenn's journey thus far.

Jenn has been with us on and off for about 3 years now. She is one of the most positive and bubbly personalities we have here at Strive. Although she is insanely strong, she has struggled with her weight and overall confidence over the last couple of years.

She has gone through a couple of challenges, but the consistency was not there.

Over the last year, her confidence took a hit and her life stress became very apparent. As always, she put up a great front, but she became dependent on food to feel better when it came to her emotions. She even had to take a break from the gym.

About a 2 months ago, she reached out again to me to say that she needed help and that now was the time for change.

65 lbs in 6 weeks is amazing!!! Everyone's first reaction is of course,

What diet was she on?

What work outs was she doing?

So on and so on...

It was not a 21 day or 6 week challenge that promised her a fast weight lost. It was not a restrictive meal plan that put her in a miserable spot and almost guaranteed a rebound later on (most do).

To be honest, I wish I had a perfect or special product that she did, so I could promote it.

What got her the results then?

She became honest with her snacking and emotional eating and she checked in with me weekly to talk about her progress and what she was struggling with.

She became honest with her struggles (unlike before when she said she was following the plan when she was not....Most people fall into this category), and she was not a lone, she was consistent with her check ins and she followed our plan.

Our plan was simple....

Pay attention to the snacks and fast food. She sent me a picture and a written document every week (when she did not, I sent her a text) and she made sure she was getting protein in.....That is it

SIDE NOTE: Jenn has returned to the gym and PR'd her bench press and her 1 arm snatch 🙂

I am super proud of everything Jenn has done and still is doing....Keep on rolling

Reverse Diet for Mary Therese

Mary Therese has been with us here at Strive Fitness for over a year now.  She came to us as the typical female, one who has tried every diet known to man.

I started my first diet when I was around 12 years old and a relative told me I was too fat.   I have dieted on and off most of my adult life. I have gone to meetings, checked in online, gone to specialty clinics, taken diet pills, eliminated complete food groups, bought expensive shakes, done 3 day diets, 14 day diets, cabbage soup diets and so on. 

After several of our challenges we found that Mary Therese was maintaining here weight at around 1200 calories (not surprising her diet history).  I reached out to her and brought up the idea of a reverse diet.  Basically our goal was to take a break from DIET MODE and focus on the long term goal of weight loss.  We wanted to gain as little weight as possible so I told her this was going to take a couple of months

Oh, hell no!”  was my first thought when he told me we were going to increase my calories and I may actually gain some weight.  But he said that we would monitor it closely and he wouldn’t let things get out of control.  I had more than a moment of panic because I knew I absolutely COULD NOT eat more than my 1400 calories a day because I gain weight. 

I thought about it a little longer and decided that I was not looking for a quick fix – something that I still remind myself of fairly regularly.  I wanted something for the long haul. 

During the course of about 20 week reverse diet, we increased her calories little by little.  We started with getting her protein where it should be (about 1 gram per body weight) and then increased her carbs and fats up a little each week.  

Are you kidding

Like many people, she was really edgy about gaining weight during this process, so we monitored her weight everyday through daily weigh ins and calorie/macro tracking.  Anytime her weight went up, we stayed at those numbers and then continued with the process when her weight stabilized.  

I learned the importance of meal prep as well.  I had dabbled in it before, but making sure I have the right foods readily available really makes a difference when you decide you have certain amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fats to hit.  I also found a couple “go to”restaurant meals – especially by the few places near my office – so when the opportunity comes up to go out to lunch, I can still join my co-workers and continue to enjoy life.

It was slow – but over the past 20 weeks, I had averaged half a pound a week in weight loss.  But more importantly, it was mostly fat loss and I had not lost performance in the gym.  Most of the afternoons, I was not feeling sluggish.  I eat more.  That was a huge “ah ha” moment.  Because although I thought it was “only” 10 lbs., my next thought was if I keep going, in a year it would be 20.  And I was pretty happy about that.

We ended our reverse diet goal right before summer and right before her vacation.  She did amazing and over the course of 20 weeks; she lost 10 lbs, gained performance, lost body fat percentage all while eating more food.

She can now maintain her weight at 1900 calories and her body is ready to lose weight during out next challenge, which Mary Therese will describe the amazing outcome:

By October, I was more than ready mentally and physically to go into diet mode again. We set my macros at 1400 / day; formerly what I was living on, so I knew it wouldn’t be that tough to keep that up for the scheduled 6-week plan. Again, protein was key. However, this time around I was also able to fine tune my nutrition because of the incredible videos Derek puts together and the online support group. I learned about the importance of timing my starchy carbs (still working on that), and more important – how to use My Fitness Pal as a planning tool as opposed to just a logging tool. That was a game changer for me. I don’t do it always, but when I do, I have the best results. My gym habits did not change during that 6-week period. But, by taking the time to increase my daily calorie limit, I was able to lose just over 10 lbs. and 6% body fat in that period. To say I’m very happy with those results is a huge understatement.

My current game plan is to try to strictly follow maintenance through the holidays and not put that 10 lbs. back on. It has been a problem in years past. By mid-January, I hope to be ready for another diet period and drop a bit more weight.

Going back and forth between cycles of losing and maintaining, but having the plan to do so as opposed to it just happening to me, has helped me with the psychological aspect of dieting. I do not feel like I’m depriving myself. Pre-planning my meals has allowed me to plan for my ice-cream or pizza and still fit it in. I still feel like this is something that I will be able to follow for life.

It was amazing to see the final result of all the hard work and dedication Mary Therese put in over the past year.  She not only lost weight during the reverse diet, but she also maintained the weight loss over the summer.  The final result was losing more weight during our 6 week challenge and winning as the overall winner, dropping almost 6 % of her body fat

Here at Strive Fitness and Performance, we have made a huge impact in the Macomb County are in a very short time. In that time, we have worked with a variety of different clients.  We’ve seen what works, what doesn’t work, common struggles, and as coaches, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our clients’ results.

We fit our programs around our clients instead of fitting the client around a specific program.  We pride ourselves in treating people like people, not just another number, so we pay close attention to everything going on. We can see the signs, and we can usually tell in those first few weeks with someone new to the program whether it’s going to be smooth sailing, or if a new client needs to take a step back and take it little by little.

Your coach is always here to help, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have your own responsibilities. Your daily habits and actions dictate your results, and while we can give advice, support, and help along the way, the day to day execution is where the magic happens.

Looking at the common trends among our most successful clients, it’s pretty easy to tell within the first few weeks how well this is going to go. There are common habits and behaviors that let us know a client is probably going to see great success early and often.

Before we dive in, remember that you do NOT need to be perfect to see amazing results. Nobody is perfect, not even coaches, and we don’t expect perfection from our clients either. The best results don’t come from the people who hit their macros perfectly every day for 12 weeks; the best results come from those who build the proper habits and mindsets. After all, those habits are what help you keep your results for the rest of your life.

The following habits and actions are the things that are most successful clients do right away and often.  Even if you are not currently accomplishing these actions,  they are a stepping stone to reach for in the near future if you want to see success and results.

1. Successful Clients Own Their Mistakes

Any diet that expects perfection is simply setting you up to fail. You’re going to mess up, and that’s okay – success doesn’t require perfection.

What it DOES take are honesty and accountability. If you slip up and have a bad weekend, log it anyway and tell your coach what happened. Hiding it from us means we can’t help you.

If you leave a day blank or just decide not to log that piece of cake you ate from guilt or shame, while that may feel like a way to not confront what went on, it’s important to remember that’s not giving yourself, or your Coach, accurate information. Us as coaches, can only work with the information giving us.  I mean, imagine going to the doctors and not giving all the symptoms or your medical background, they may give you the wrong prescription and hinder your progress rather than help it.

2. Successful Clients Ask Questions

We are an open book here at Strive Fitness.  We education our clients every day with emails, facebook posts, videos and documents.  There is so much information out there about nutrition and exercises, and the majority of it is wrong or misguided.  This has led to the majority of the population following the wrong information and hurting their long term results.

We want our clients education and to ask questions so they understand.  The more educated you are, the better results you will get.  Happy clients, happy business....Make more of an impact 🙂

Eventually, you’ll reach a point where this is second nature, and you understand how to plan and track your macros. But in the beginning, as you’re still learning and building those habits, we expect you’ll have a lot of questions, struggles, concerns, victories – and we want to know about all of it.

3. Successful Clients Prioritize Whole Foods

Having flexibility in your food selections is a huge part of our NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY and why our program is sustainable.  You should live your life 90/10, 90% whole foods and 10% stuff that you like.  That does not mean that the stuff you like should be an all the time thing.  Instead we should be consistent with whole foods and hitting our macros and using those "special" foods as treats.

We suggest using the 3-3-3 method for a reason: the simpler your diet is, the quicker you’ll build good habits and consistency with your numbers. Planning macros can be a little time consuming and stressful at first, and if you are always trying to find a way out of it, you will burn out very easily.  Instead, we should focus on getting the right foods and becoming better at LIFESTYLE MODE.  Once we mastered that and have control over our nutrition, we can start to learn how to fit other things into our nutrition.

4. Successful Clients Using Planning and Food Logs to Improve Each Week.


This needs no explanation. Every time you plan your day ahead of time, you’re going to have a much easier time hitting your macros, no exceptions. There’s no thinking, adjusting on the fly, or panicking when you realize you have 5 grams of fat left and still need 87 grams of protein. Even if these are the only habits you built, your chances of success will increase exponentially. When you food log, you hold yourself accountable and are mindful on what you are putting in your body.  When you plan ahead, you know that if you accomplish your plan 100%, you will be spot on with your numbers and consistent.  Going through a few weeks of learning and adjusting your plan you should be able to get to your perfect plan.  We suggest MACRO PLANNING and putting in your macros ahead of time to fit your plan around your lifestyle so you can sustain it.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Unsuccessful clients do not adjust their plan when it is not perfect.  Successful clients learn each week how to become better.  Slow progress is still progress.  Getting better every day will always results in success, as long as we are positive and actually change.


The “Other” Habits


So what about the habits that will no doubt make your progress stall?

These are the habits that will frustrate clients because they think they are working extra hard and end up not seeing the results they desire.

It’s easy to slip back into old habits, and we want to help you avoid that. Look at how you’re currently approaching things, and if any of these hit home, maybe it’s time to make some adjustments.

Clients who struggle to get the results they want usually have these common habits and practices of their own:

Set Yourself Up For Success

Whether you just joined us here at Strive, are on the fence, or have been with us for over a year, it’s never too late to take a step back and look at your daily habits and mindset. Even if you identified with some of the "other" habits and are ready for a small change, it is never too late to improve.

[To Apply For A Free Strategy Call, To Go Over YOUR Personalized Macro Plan, CLICK HERE NOW]

Nobody is perfect, not even your coach, and we’re here to help. If you think you need to make some changes to improve your results and adherence with this program, let us help you. Talk to your coach, start working on those success habits, and build yourself a strong foundation that will support good nutrition for the rest of your life.

Meal Planning can be really time consuming and overwhelming at first.  Motivation is so strong at first that you want to change literally everything that you view is wrong.  Many times, this turns into a quick failure because it is simply too much and it will lead to some failures that you are not ready for.  To be honest, failures come regardless and is a part of the journey to becoming better.  The less opportunities for failure the better and the bigger chance you have to reach your goals.

Here at Strive Fitness and Performance, we track macros (read more on why).  This helps our clients meal planning process go a lot smoother and helps them create their own unique meal plans.

To help our clients meal plan, we preach the 3-3-3 method.  This method helps with meal planning, because it takes out the variables.  Consistency is key (especially at the beginning).  The more variables in your meals the harder it becomes to stay consistent.


3-3-3 METHOD


Choose 3 protein sources, 3 carbs, 3 fats. Green veggies won’t count as one of your 3 carbs, have a free for all (but still log them)


Make all of your meals with only those foods. At first, you may say “ah that looks like a boring menu”. But think about how many different combos you can come up with. Different styles of cooking, different spices, interesting pairings etc

Why does this work?

It eliminates variables. One of the tricky things with logging food is a fault in perception and mismanagement of what you think you are consuming. This reduction in variables will allow you/your client to pinpoint exactly what’s going on. Essentially, it’s a way to mess up less, stay satiated, get in all the micronutrients, and get used to eating primarily nutrient dense foods.

Once we become mindful of the quantity and quality of the foods we are eating, we have officially reached and mastered LIFESTYLE MODE and can now start to fit in the good stuff like oreos and cake (sometimes).

This has been a game changer for people who have gotten comfortable on a diet or those just starting a more flexible approach. It’s not as fun as pizza, cheeseburgers, and wine, but neither is working hard for no progress, right?

Strive Fitness is a Customized Training Program designed specifically for people over 30 years of age. A Personal Training Gym in Clinton Township, Michigan
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