Are you struggling to find the “right” nutrition plan for you?
Yo-Yo Dieter
Do you have trouble keeping the weight off that you worked so hard to lose
Fall off the plan constantly
Are you looking for support and accountability in your nutrition program?
No confidence
Do you wish to gain your confidence back?
Feel it is always your fault
Do you need a plan that fits around you?
Want to gain muscle/get tone
Do you always do the same workout with no results
Information overload
Are you confused with all the conflicting information on the internet about what you should and shouldn't do?
Stop wasting time on a program that you aren’t sure will work for you. Strive Nutrition has helped thousands of people around the world achieve their health and fitness goals.
Thorough strategy session to map out exactly what your personal goal is and exactly we will help you get there. We hear you out, see where you're at, and LISTEN to your concerns, so we can determine and teach you exactly how to get you where you want to be..
We hear you out, see where you're at, and LISTEN to your concerns, so we can determine and teach you exactly how to get you where you want to be.
When choosing to work with us on training as well, we’ll dive into every detail that maps out a successful program and ensure YOU have the right tools to see success int he gym.
Live Virtual Workouts
Online Membership Portal
Custom Training Programs Designed Around Your Goal
Daily and weekly accountability tracking forms for constant and consistent progress and support. Weekly Check-in phone call or Zoom call and more… our goal is to customize the accountability, to fit your needs.
Strive Fitness is a Customized Training Program designed specifically for people over 30 years of age. A Personal Training Gym in Clinton Township, Michigan