Meal Plans Using Macronutrients


Making an meal plan can be hard.  Hell, many people find just thinking about good nutrition as a hard task.  This is the main reason why so many people go towards the "next best thing".  Products like fat loss pills, fad diets and "lose weight without needing to change" products are everywhere.  People know they need to make changes, but they do not know how to focus it around their lives, so they need it done for them and easy.

The problem is, is that these "sexy" meal plans and products that promise to get crazy fast results are not sustainable.  Instead, people needing results can make their own meal plans that are focused around their own lifestyle by using Macro nutrients and myfitnesspal (click here to learn how to set up MYFITNESSPAL).




We keep breakfast pretty consistent for our meal plan.  You generally always have time for breakfast or you need something super fast and easy.  Either case, breakfast can become pretty consistent and it should stay that way as part of your plan.

We will then pick two of each macro nutrient (protein, carb and fat) plus two veggies for lunch and dinner.

For Example:

Lunch Becomes:

Dinner Becomes:



Time to bust out your food tracking app of choice (My fitness pal, Fat Secret, LoseIt!...We prefer MFP).  We have got a game plan on WHAT we will be eating....But how much?  What about snacks? Post Workout?

Start by logging protein at every meal:

Then Carbs:

Then Fat:

Then Veggies:

You should now have a full day planned in your tracking app of choice...SWEET!!!  In MFP, scroll to the bottom of the food diary and click "Nutrition".  You should see current macro totals (make sure you select "nutrients" up at the top).  Keep adjusting entries until numbers match up with macro goals.




Need More Protein?

Need More Carbs?

Need More Fats?

Just remember, these are just examples.  The important thing is to look at your day and adjust your meal plan so that you can live your life while still getting results.  The difference between using myfitnesspal and counting macros and strict meal plans is control.  Strict meal plans and programs like Weight watchers and Jenny Craig give you something to follow, but they do not give you control.  When you are done with those programs, the direction is gone and many people do not know what to do.  Following the examples above will give you an idea to get the control that everyone needs to make sustainable nutrition a part of their life.

If you wish for some help to make your own unique nutrition plan.  CLICK HERE and we can jump on a phone call to come up with your nutritional blueprint

Committed to your success,

Derek Ledwidge




Here at Strive Fitness and Performance, one of our main goals is to help our clients lose body fat.  Most people focus on trying to lose body fat year round or are in DIET MODE.  While people are generally good at losing weight, most are terrible at keeping it off.  They have no idea what to do when they achieve their goal, go on vacation, or fall off the diet because it is too hard.

We like to call this phase of non-diet,  LIFESTYLE MODE (read more about DIET MODE VS. LIFESTYLE MODE).  Essentially, lifestyle mode is a time of the year when we made good decisions but losing weight is not the main focus.  Lifestyle mode or "Maintenance" is when you do just that, focus on maintaining your weight instead of losing it.  This mode is essential to a healthy life because losing weight is stressful and we should be able to live our lives without freaking out when you have a family function to go to.  Diet mode is essential to lose weight and change your body composition, but that mode needs to be used sparingly.  You should live in lifestyle mode for most of the year and only go into diet mode when your goal is to lose body fat.

There are 10 basic habits that we focus on when we get into lifestyle mode. If you can master these 10 habits, you will be well on your way to the body of your dreams without ever counting calories or weighing food. These habits should guide your eating choices and help you make the right decisions no matter the situation you are in.

You may already be following some of these habits. That is great! If you are, then continue to do so and read on a bit more about each of them.

You also may not be following any of the habits, and that is OK as well. We all have a starting point, and knowing that point is crucial to our success. If you are not following any of the habits, start with the first one and master it for the first week. Each week, continue to add in one habit until you have mastered all of them! If it takes longer than one week to consistently apply a habit to your life, no worries! Simply try again next week.

Don’t worry about your mistakes; instead, focus on what you did well each week, and build on those successes so that you can continue to grow and learn about your nutrition.


Track and Journal


Food Journal

This does not necessarily mean tracking your calories, but journaling the process and actions you are taking in your training and nutrition plan can be a huge step in seeing results. This not only allows us to see what you are doing and adjust things when needed….It is also the best way to yourself accountable.  Most of us can know exactly what to do, but if we have no accountability to stick to it….We won’t. So start to journal your daily diet and training, then let your coach know so they can help you with the accountability and give you steps to improve.


Plan/Prep For Success


Fail to prepare, prepare to fail….This is HUGE. Planning and preparing your meals for the week is on of the biggest steps to reaching your fat loss goals.  This does not mean every meal needs to be in a plastic container, but it does mean that you have to have a plan and know what your nutrition will look like for the week.


HUGE TIP:  To have the best results you will always use food journaling and your plan to hold yourself accountable and make adjustments to get the best results.  Over eating....Your food journal will be proof of that.  You will need to make adjustments to next week's plan and prep.  Not getting enough protein...Your food journal will be proof of that.  You will need to make adjustments to next week's plan and prep.  GET THE HINT 🙂


Drink More Water

Drink Water

A good amount to shoot for, no matter your body type or goal is one gallon. It will keep you on the safe side and allows you to be sure that you are getting enough.  Studies have proven, time after time, that drinking more water throughout the day leads to more fat loss, better performance, increased muscle and strength gains, and better health.  Try drinking 12-16oz before each meal, this has been proven to increase metabolism and enhance fat loss!

Eat Lean Protein At Each Meal


To lose body fat and to build lean muscle, it is important to get a good amount of protein in your diet. This allows you to increase metabolism, burn more calories simply through digestion, and most importantly, improve muscle recover for better performance.  Aim to eat 1-2 handfuls of protein with each meal.


Eat Veggies at Every Meal


I don’t think I need to explain why you need to eat more veggies, because you grandma probably did all of your life.

But just in case, we need the nutrients, minerals, vitamins and fiber from vegetables, and eating veggies is also a great way to fill yourself up and stay satisfied throughout your day. It is a proven fact that lean individuals eat veggies on a daily basis.  Try eating them at each meal….If not, 4-5 cups per day


Stop Drinking Calories


On any given day 50% of Americans consume sugary beverages. 1 in 4 get at least 200 calories from just a single drink….Now we can assume most don’t stop at one drink per day and even if they do, by the end of the week it can add up to a full day’s worth of calories in just drinks.  So the goal in this principle is simple, stick to zero calorie beverages as much as possible.  Think water, teas, black coffee and sugar-free drinks on occasion.  This alone can dramatically increase weight loss.

Earn Your Carbs


Carbs are not the devil.  No matter what your friends say, you should never demonize a food group.  Carbs help with performance in the gym and recovery from great workouts.  For enhanced your progress and lose body fat for effectively, time your carb consumption around your workouts. Doing so will lead to:  Proper recovery, more fat loss, increased lean muscle, better carb consumption.  Try focusing the healthy carbs within a 4-6 hour time span.  Workout in the morning; have your carbs in the morning and none during the night.


Eat Healthy Fats Daily


Eating quality, earth grown, fats is an essential dietary principle when it comes to great health and massive fat loss. Most people forget about this or leave it out because fat can be calorically dense, but that is not a bad thing.  Aim to eat healthy fats daily, more specifically 1-2 thumb size portions per meal.

Eat To 80% Fullness


This may seem simple, but it can be much more difficult then you would believe. This is huge because many of us simply over eat during a meal, whether it is a healthy meal or not…Over consuming calories will still lead to weight gain.  Because it takes the brain around 20 minutes to realize that the body is full, it is very important to stop at 80% fullness.  This will lead to less over eating and a natural caloric deficit, without tracking your calories at all.


Live The 90/10 Rule


We all have a life…And like to enjoy that life. Within our Nutrition Coaching Programs, we want the best results…But we also realize that following these exact habits 24/7 is unrealistic and does not allow us to truly enjoy our life as much as we would like.  90% of your days and week should be compliant with these 10 principles, and on track with your fitness goals.  The other 10% should be enjoyed.  Allow yourself to have a rewarding treat, wine with your sweetie ore a beer with a great friend.

Strive Fitness is a Customized Training Program designed specifically for people over 30 years of age. A Personal Training Gym in Clinton Township, Michigan
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